Thursday 10 December 2009


This space will be hence forth used as an outlet for my thoughts and musings, some random some strenuously thought out and over analysed. Hopefully this will help me to make some sense of the aforementioned thoughts and musings and come to a sensible conclusion or more likely talk in circles in a self indulgent, aimless manner till I grow tired of the subject. Then post it anyway for others to read and scrutinise under there magnifying glasses of judgment.
Peace Out

1 comment:

  1. As your first ever follower I want expenses and praise, then if you ever make the big time in a national newspaper, reviewing films/pants (dependant on the newspaper), I want to be mentioned in every column. Maybe i could have a section called "What the other Jake thinks" below it, summarising your thoughts but with my own unique twist of prose. Think it over and get back to me.
